The Tale of Narrow Ridge (Natural Burial)

“A return to a simpler, more natural manner of laying our loved ones to rest while preserving the beauty and natural integrity of their final resting place.” -Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center.



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June 5, 2018

Day 3

Part III

  Passing through the summer green fileds, we toured around Narrow Ridge’s Natural Burial Preserve. Elleven years ago, Narrow Ridge kept five acres of land for a “green cemetery” to honor the natural cycle of birth, death, and renewal. They were actually rewared with a letter from the state of Tennessee as the first operating contemporary community cemetery.  Incredible… A “green cemetery” I have never heard of such a thing.

  I questioned how excatly does this process work and what makes it so special? My science brain pushing inquiries as usual. Their natural burial preserve differs from coventional cemeteries in that it “expressly intended to be free of embalmig fluids, concrete vaults, non-biodegradable caskets, and chemical fertliziers.” Their grave marking are made out of native plants and modestly sized, flat markers of stone native to the area permitted. Over time, the site will return to a natural forest with trails that provide access to grave sites. Pretty cool huh? 

     Why should anyone choice a natural burial? (According to Narrow Ridge)

  • A way of honoring the natural rhythms of the life cycle.
  • A way of connecting with our distant ancestors who would have buried their loved ones in a simialr manner.
  • A way of reducing the extraction of metals and other materials involved in conventional burial.
  • A way of reducing the use of toxic chemiclas found in embalming fluids and lawn ferilizers.
  • A simpler and more affordable manner of honoring the life and death of a loved one.



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“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”

Still curious about Naural Burials?

“Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center is a 501c(3) nonprofit center for Earth learning situated in the rural Appalachian Mountains fo East Tennessee. Located in Grainger County, it is about 30 miles northeast of Knooxville, Narrow Ridge is entrusted with the protection of over 500 acres of land.

For more information or to reserve a site in the Natural Burial Preserve, contact Narrow Ridge Director, Mitzi Wood-Von Mizener at (865)-497-2753 or (865)-497-3603 or “

Join my life’s metamorphosis story, Every Thursday @4pm!


Narrow Ridge Website (CLICK ME)

Post Malone, Swae Lee – Sunflower (Live Acoustic Loop Cover)


What are YOUR thoughts on Natural Burials? Comment Below! (:


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Hey, I'm a 21-year-old college student who's life completely flipped after one amazing experience (Narrow Ridge). This blog is dedicated to sharing my transformation story -or what I like to call it- my metamorphous story. Weekly posts Every Thursday @4pm!

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