The Tale of Narrow Ridge (Mother Nature)

If I stare at a picture for a long time, the image becomes distorted like the reflection of my inner mind. It moves left, up, right, down, the pattern interlocks, repels and comes back together again.  It’s all about perspective they say. Many times our common point of reference only depicts the surface of what we see. Rarely do many of us question the underlying depth of information we are given. What would happen if we all dare to question? Would we be enlightened?

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June 4, 2018

Day 2

Part. III

-Their home was strange to me. Everything they owned was ancient. Their books, wooden floors, fans, and bed sheets.  I haven’t seen anything like it in person,  it was peculiar for me to witness a couple who chooses to live with simple old things. Would I ever choose to live like this? Never bothering to buy the new iPhone or trending makeup brand. Would I ever willingly decide to completely be carefree with materialistic items and use the old, functional items that existed before me? It must be peaceful to live like them. No distractions, just each other’s company.

I walked back to Strawbale, following the footsteps nearby. I had arrived just before The Leadership Project meet-up was announced. We gathered around the living room and learned that we were expected to return with community projects. I was excited about this, it would be the first time I would work on a project without receiving a grade. We were divided into groups based on our campus, Wolfson, North, and Kendall. After a few brainstorms, I had some ideas in mind but we were told ideas were to be presented next meeting.

Mitzi pointed to a pretty painting on the wall.  There were blue hands playing with a yard of blue strings interlocked with yellow stars and a light blue earth with four blue suns. The blue earth danced with distinctive plants and microscopic creatures signaling new birth. The microorganisms became insects flying between bushes, flowers, and trees. A dark tribe of women then gave birth and liberated fish jumped at sea with a brown walking turtle circling a pitch black butterfly. The blue yarn then swirled into an upside-down baby who grew into a strong man. The man was learning, building, molding until he reached the view of mountains. There he met her.

We were asked to view the mountain. “What do you guys see?” asked Bill. The mountain was indifferent to me. All I saw was a green mountain.  I did my best to look closely, but like the rest of us…nothing. Mitiz traced lines on the light and dark green shades between forest and mountain. I saw it! It’s was a pregnant woman laying down! It was mother natureIt looked exactly like our view outside. She was present all along, right under our noses…I just had no idea. Incredible. We tend to pass-


Join my life’s metamorphosis story, Every Thursday @4pmImage result for black butterfly gif

FlagShip Instrumental (Extended)- Amanda Cook


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Hey, I'm a 21-year-old college student who's life completely flipped after one amazing experience (Narrow Ridge). This blog is dedicated to sharing my transformation story -or what I like to call it- my metamorphous story. Weekly posts Every Thursday @4pm!

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